
Easts Dragon Boat Club

COVID Safety

COVID-19 Safety Measures

Easts takes COVID safety precautions very seriously, and that is why we were the first club in NSW to return to paddling once COVID-19 restrictions were lifted. At our first trial training session on 18 June, 2020, we were only allowed 5 paddlers, 1 sweep, and 1 coach per boat. As of 20 July, 2020, 20 people are allowed per boat, including sweep and drummer.   

In order to adhere to DBNSW requirements for paddling during COVID-19, Easts are taking the following measures: 

  • COVID checklist and pre-training checklists are completed using Safe365. 
  • Paddlers are required to use hand sanitiser on entry and after paddling. 
  • Confirmation is made that no paddlers, sweeps, or coaches are experiencing symptoms, or have come into contact with possible or confirmed active cases of COVID-19. 
  • Boats and equipment are cleaned by sweeps and coaches, including wipe down with disinfectant wipes after training. 
  • Physical distance is maintained where possible. 
  • Paddlers are responsible for their own equipment and water bottles in and out of the boat. There is no storage of items permitted in the shed. 
  • Spectators are minimised. 
  • Access to amenities closed temporarily. 

Our designated COVID-19 Safety Marshall, Heather Mueller, is always available for any queries or concerns.